Your Guide to Choosing Between a Wired & a Wireless Home Alarm System

When it comes to the installation of a home alarm system, there are several things you need to do to get it right. Most importantly, you will need to start off with the right type of alarm system. Alarm systems differ on a range of elements such as the type of monitoring system or the price. Whatever the distinguishing component is, one significant decision you will have to make is the choice between a wired and a wireless alarm system. Understanding the pros and cons of each of these types of alarm systems will help you identify the one that will work best for your home. Therefore, here is a guide to help you in your selection.


The complexity and duration of installation are all critical factors that determine the costs of installation. Generally, wired alarm systems are more expensive to install than their wireless counterparts. That's because the installation of wired systems requires drilling of holes and connecting of wires, which takes more time and labour, translating to higher installation costs.

Running Costs

The running costs of your home alarm system will depend on the kind of maintenance the system needs. Wireless systems tend to have slightly higher maintenance costs. That's because the wireless devices often rely on batteries to function, which means regular replacement of those batteries will be required. Wired alarm systems don't run on batteries, meaning you won't have to worry about the costs of battery replacement.


Wired alarm systems have an edge over their wireless counterparts when it comes to reliability. First, they are less vulnerable to hacking. To access your wired alarm system, one would have to connect to the system physically. Also, since wireless systems have sensors, which communicate through radio frequencies, they are more vulnerable to interference. To avoid this problem, you would have to invest in a wireless system that operates on a relatively high-frequency band and this won't come cheap. With a wired system, you don't have to worry about interference unless someone cuts the wires.


Wireless alarm systems are more flexible when it comes to upgrades. It is much easier to upgrade your wireless home alarm system to newer technologies because it's not hardwired. With a wired system, adding new devices can be a challenge especially if you don't have enough space and new holes have to be drilled for cable ducting.


Moving a wireless system to a new location is way easier and practical. This is significant if you live in a rented property and have to move to a new house or transfer the system to a different location.

To learn more about your security options, contact CCTV system providers.
